Disclaimer: This is probably not a step by step guide because there are a lot of dependencies involved. I tried to cover all the important aspects of cross-compiling ROS or actually any other software for Raspbian and ARMv6. This is at least a proof-of-concept that compiling ROS Melodic works for ARMv6.
This guide covers how to cross-compile ROS. This will cover some basic concepts of cross-compiling and will give some hints along the way.
Along the way you’ll need to do these steps:
- Setup a Debian environment to compile for Raspbian
- Build and compile a recent toolchain to target ARMv6
- Setup and prepare a
- Compile and prepare ROS dependencies
- Compile ROS
- Prepare a Raspbian image for production
Setup a Debian Environment to Compile for Raspbian
It really makes sense to cross-compile in an environment which is similar to your target. Raspbian is basically just a Debian which supports ARMv6 and therefore the Raspberry Pi 1 and Raspberry Pi Zero. There can be some confusion with the term armhf (ARM hard-float), because Debian means the ARMv7 architecture.
Therefore we need to setup a Debian Stretch (That’s the version Raspbian is based on currently). The best way to do this is using a chroot or docker as this could also be integrated in a automated CI environment.
So let’s pull the image first:
1docker pull debian:stretch
I prepared a folder structure for the cross-compiling. You can check it out using git:
1git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/maxammann/pi-crosscompile-ros build_ros
Mount the working directory which I named build_ros
and run the container interactively:
1docker run -it --name build_ros -v "$PWD":/build_ros debian:stretch /bin/bash
If you want to switch to the container later just run:
1docker start build_ros -i
Build and Compile a Recent Toolchain to Target ARMv6
Install some general packages for compiling and the dependencies we need for ROS in the docker image.
1apt install build-essential pkg-config cmake unzip gzip rsync
2apt install python2.7 python-pip
3pip install catkin_pkg
4apt install python-rosdep python-rosinstall-generator python-wstool python-rosinstall python-empy
Hint: Why do I need to install catkin_pkg
using pip?1
To compile the tools of our toolchain we first need to compile crosstool-ng.
1cd /build_ros/cross-compile
2curl -O http://crosstool-ng.org/download/crosstool-ng/crosstool-ng-1.23.0.tar.xz
3tar xf crosstool-ng-1.23.0.tar.xz
4cd crosstool-ng-1.23.0
5make -j10
6make install
7cd ..
I prepared a configuration, which is based on the original raspberry config, for crosstool-ng which builds a GCC 6.3. Compiling ROS with an older version fails.
1cd toolchain-build
2ct-ng build
This task about 20 minutes on my machine. After that your toolchain will be in /root/x-tools6h-new
. You can leave the terminal window with docker open for later.
Setup and Prepare a Sysroot
Now switch to your host and continue with the following steps.
Download a Raspbian image and extract it to build_ros
Now you can mount in on /mnt
and copy the needed files to build_ros/cross-compile/sysroot
1cd /build_ros
2OFFSET=$(fdisk -l 2018-11-13-raspbian-stretch-lite.img | grep "Linux" | awk '{print $2 * 512}')
3mount -o ro,loop,offset=$OFFSET -t auto 2018-11-13-raspbian-stretch-lite.img /mnt
4cd cross-compile
6umount /mnt
A few tweaks are needed before we can use the sysroot for compiling. Let’s start by chroot into it. You’re maybe thinking right now: Hey this is an ARM image I have a x86 CPU! How dump…
But there actually is a way to do this! The feature is called binfmt_misc.
This allows you to just run about any binary and qemu will be used to emulate it.
The setup is quite easy. On Arch Linux you can install the package qemu-user-static-bin
from the AUR and start the service for binfmt.
1systemctl restart systemd-binfmt
If ls /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc
shows several qemu files the setup worked.
You can now enter the chroot:
1cd cross-compile
2mount --bind /sys sysroot/sys
3mount --bind /proc sysroot/proc
4mount --bind /dev sysroot/dev
5mount --bind /dev/pts sysroot/dev/pts
7chroot sysroot sysroot /bin/bash
The first thing you need to do inside the changed root is export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
Now we can run apt to install the stuff we need for compiling!
1apt update
2apt upgrade
3apt install python2.7 python-pip
4pip install rospkg catkin_pkg
5apt install pkg-config python-dev sbcl libboost-all-dev libgtest-dev liblz4-dev libbz2-dev libyaml-dev python-nose python-empy python-netifaces python-defusedxml libpoco-dev
Hint: Why do I need to install catkin_pkg
using pip?1
Now you can exit the chroot and unmount all the directories you mounted previously e.g:
1umount /sys sysroot/sys
2umount /proc sysroot/proc
3umount /dev sysroot/dev
4umount /dev/pts sysroot/dev/pts
Hint: If a unmount fails you maybe need to unmount child directories first.
If we’d try to cross-compile ROS using that directory now it would fail because symbolic links are broken in the sysroot
. To solve this you can do:
1python sysroot-relativelinks.py sysroot/
Next you need to edit ./sysroot/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so
and ./sysroot/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libpthread.so
You need to replace the absolute paths with relative ones (e.g. /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libc.so.6
becomes libc.so.6
In my case this yields those two files:
GROUP ( libc.so.6 libc_nonshared.a AS_NEEDED ( ld-linux-armhf.so.3 ) )
GROUP ( libpthread.so.0 libpthread_nonshared.a )
Now the sysroot is setup for cross compilation!
Compile and Prepare ROS Dependencies
Now change back to the docker image.
cross-compile gtest
and install it to sysroot
1cd /build_ros/cross-compile
2cd gtest
3cmake -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/build_ros/cross-compile/toolchain.cmake /build_ros/cross-compile/sysroot/usr/src/gtest
4make -j10
5make install DESTDIR=/build_ros/cross-compile/sysroot
6cd ..
cross-compile console_bridge
and install it to sysroot
1git clone https://github.com/ros/console_bridge
2mkdir console_bridge/build
3cd console_bridge/build
4cmake -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/build_ros/cross-compile/toolchain.cmake /build_ros/cross-compile/console_bridge/
5make -j10
6make install DESTDIR=/build_ros/cross-compile/sysroot
7cd ../..
Hint: console_bridge is not delivered though the ROS source distribution management.
cross-compile tinyxml
and install it to sysroot
1mkdir tinyxml/build
2cd tinyxml/build
3cmake -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/build_ros/cross-compile/toolchain.cmake /build_ros/cross-compile/tinyxml/
4make -j10
5make install DESTDIR=/build_ros/cross-compile/sysroot
6cd ../..
Hint: TinyXML is needed because the version packaged in Raspbian has a bug.
We can now prepare the docker container for the compilation. We need to install the same dependencies in the Raspbian sysroot
as on docker, because the build process maybe needs x86 binaries which need to be available in docker.
1rosdep init
2rosdep update
3cd catkin
4rosinstall_generator ros_comm --rosdistro melodic --deps --tar > melodic-ros_comm.rosinstall
5wstool init -j8 src melodic-ros_comm-wet.rosinstall
Hint: rosdep init
needs root because it creates a directory in /etc
The next command will install dependencies of ROS as root without using sudo
(--as-root apt:false
) because it is not available in the container. It will also continue if there are errors (-r
1rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro melodic --os=debian:stretch --as-root apt:false -y -r
In order to install the same dependencies in the Raspbian sysroot
we need to copy the catkin workspace to the sysroot
1rsync -rap . /build_ros/cross-compile/sysroot/catkin
Now chroot into the sysroot
directory like above (mount directory and export PATH
) and install the dependencies as well:
1sudo rosdep init
2rosdep update
3cd /catkin
4rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro melodic -r --os=debian:stretch
Hint: It is fine if several ROS dependencies are not found. We need to compile these we well because they are not packaged.
Compile ROS
Switch back to the docker shell and start the compilation!
1cd /build_ros/cross-compile/catkin
2./src/catkin/bin/catkin_make_isolated --install --install-space /build_ros/cross-compile/sysroot/opt/ros/melodic -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/build_ros/cross-compile/toolchain.cmake
If this fails this could be because of missing dependencies in the .rosinstall
MAVROS and raspicam_node
I prepared rosinstall files for mavros
and rapicam_node
in the catkin directory with all the needed dependencies.
For convenience I grabbed the dependencies of mavros
and raspicam
which need to be installed in docker AND in the Raspbian sysroot
1apt install python-rosdep libgpgme-dev cmake liblog4cxx-dev libssl-dev python-numpy python-imaging python-gnupg python-coverage libpoco-dev libconsole-bridge-dev google-mock python-paramiko python-psutil libbullet-dev liburdfdom-headers-dev python-pyproj libgeographic-dev python-future libeigen3-dev python-sip-dev geographiclib-tools graphviz python-wxtools libcppunit-dev python-lxml liburdfdom-dev hddtemp libraspberrypi0 libtheora-dev libyaml-cpp-dev libgtest-dev build-essential git cmake pkg-config libtiff5-dev libjasper-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libv4l-dev libgtk2.0-dev libatlas-base-dev gfortran
Also update the geographiclib datasets in docker AND the Raspbian sysroot
1curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mavlink/mavros/master/mavros/scripts/install_geographiclib_datasets.sh
2chmod +x install_geographiclib_datasets.sh
You also need to compile opencv3 for the Raspbian sysroot
. Here is how to do it on Linux. This works similarly to the compilation of console_bridge
. The apt install
above already installs all the dependencies you need.
After preparing those dependencies you should be fine by just downloading the dependencies to catkin/src
1cd /build_ros/cross-compile/catkin
2wstool merge -t src missing-dependencies.rosinstall
3wstool update -t src -j8
Now run the compilation again like in Compile Ros
Prepare a Raspbian image for Production
You have compiled now everything in the Raspbian sysroot
directory. You should resize the original Raspbian image now and install the dependencies there again.
1dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=1024 >> raspbian-stretch-lite-ros.img
Now delete partition 2 and recreate it using fdisk3. The starting block of the new partition should be the same as in the previous partition.
1fdisk raspbian-stretch-lite-ros.img
And resize the ext4 partition:
1losetup -P /dev/loop0 raspbian-stretch-lite-ros.img
2e2fsck -f /dev/loop0p2
3resize2fs /dev/loop0p2
4losetup -d /dev/loop0
You can now mount the root and boot partition of raspbian-stretch-lite-ros.img in sysroot-release
and sysroot-release/boot
You should also chroot into sysroot-release
and run the apt upgrade
Finally you can run install the packages again:
make install DESTDIR=/build_ros/cross-compile/sysroot-release
Note: For opencv3 you need to run cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/build_ros/cross-compile/sysroot-release
again to install to an other directory!
We successfully compiled ROS (MAVROS and raspicam_node) in this guide. There is lot of back-and-forth by installing dependencies in docker and the Raspbian sysroot
. Maybe sometimes this is not needed and can be skipped. This depends whether the compilation process needs binaries like sip
which is required by MAVROS.
My original cross-compilation notes notes can be found here.
Possible Problems
- You should also make sure that
has the version3
in oder to avoid this bug.
The catkin version in the Raspbian repository is outdated and does not match the version expected when building ROS. Version
in pip works! ↩︎ ↩︎ -
If this fails it is probably because of some missing ROS dependency. In this case use the generator to add the dependency to the
directory:1rosinstall_generator $missing_dependency --rosdistro melodic --deps --tar > missing-dependencies.rosinstall 2wstool merge -t src missing-dependencies.rosinstall 3wstool update -t src -j8
If you added new ROS dependencies you also need to run
rosdep install
again on docker AND in the Raspbiansysroot
to install dependencies you need for compiling. In my case this was needed when compilingmavros
. ↩︎ -
To do this you need to run the following commands:
p d 2 n p 2 $start_sector Enter w